培训安排:2020年8月15-16日 济南
1. 掌握现代仓储管理的基本功
2. 了解物料控制与存货管理的原理与方法
3. 掌握仓储管理的安全,成本和绩效评估管理的方法
4. 掌握仓储管理的各个步骤环节
5. 掌握仓储作业的流程与控制
一、 仓储管理基本功
1. 企业的仓储与物流
2. 企业的仓库类型
3. 物料管理方针
4. 仓储系统的12大流程
5. 仓库存储、搬运和输送设备管理
6. 信息化管理
7. 物料动态管理
8. 仓储管理评审标准
9. 仓管人员角色定位
10. 跨部门业务协作
11. 多品种、小批量、短周期、大变化、严要求
12. 保税仓库管理
二、 生产物料管控
1. 物料管理
2. BOM
3. 采购与PMC管理
4. 库存控制
5. 物料库存控制方法
6. 降低库存的方法
7. 越库管理
8. 异常料的形成原因分析
9. 预备品管理
三、 物料接受(入库)管理
1. 物料验收的依据与单证
2. 入库验收要求和操作规范
3. 预防隐患与责任追溯
4. 包装与防护
5. 返纳品管理
6. 货物标识与国际标准
7. 物料验收入库控制
8. 物料接运与交接
四、 货物储存与养护技术
1. 仓储管理规划
2. 搬运设备管理
3. 货位编号与货位调整的规范
4. 看板、目视管理与6S
5. 库存信息管理
6. 物料储存管理
7. 盘点管理
8. 仓库呆料处理的方法
9. 货物养护技术
10. 特殊物料管理
五、 物料发放(出库)控制
1. 发料管理
2. 套料配送管理
3. 外发与领料制度
4. 贵重物品管理程序
5. DOCK CHECK(码头检查)
6. loss料管理
7. 布货、销售
8. 配套服务
9. 出库规范操作
10. 退料处理
11. 非正常领料管理
12. 出库差错预防
六、 现代企业物流管理
1. 企业物流配送
2. 现代配送管理
3. 配送模式
七、 仓储安全管理
1. 安全管理条例
2. 岗位责任制
3. 仓储安全作业
4. 设施与设备安全
5. 仓库防火与灭火
八、 仓储成本管理与业绩评估
1. 仓储成本控制
2. 仓储业务管理工作目标
3. 仓储部门绩效管理
4. 业务实绩报告
5. 发展计划与规划
九、 仓储作业流程-入库作业
单元1 入库准备
十、 仓储作业流程-在库保管
单元1 在库货品保养
单元2 盘点作业
十一、 仓储作业流程-移库作业
单元2 进行移库作业准备
单元3 完成移库作业
十二、 仓储作业流程-流通加工作业
单元1 编制流通加工作业计划;
单元2 准备流通加工作业货品;
单元3 对货品进行流通加工作业;
单元4 成货品的流通加工作业。。
十三、 仓储作业流程-出库作业
单元1 出库准备安排
单元2 核对提货凭证
单元3 生成备货信息
单元4 备货下架作业
单元6 拣选补货作业
单元7 出库货品复核
单元8 出库单据签收
十四、 仓储作业流程-退库作业
单元1 退货入库
单元2 退货出库
专家介绍:沙炜/Victor Sha
·采购与供应链管理专家/培训师/企业管理顾问/Expert for procurement and SCM in industry of manufacturing /Lecturer/Management Consultant
·2018年度华人好讲师总决赛10强 /Top 10 of the finals of 2018 Chinese best lecturer
·国际教练联合会(ICF)认证高管教练/ECCP Certified by ICF
·国家认证二级心理咨询师/ National certified 2nd level psychological counselor
·西交利物浦大学校外导师(供应链研究生导师)/ External Mentor of XJTLU for master degree in SCM
·多个全球著名采购与供应链组织的特邀导师和讲师/ Mentor and lecturer for several world's leading purchasing and supply chain organizations
[职业经验/ Professional experience]:
20 years of rich experience in procurement, SCM &operations management and project management of top 500 European and American large enterprises in China, Asia and the global, focusing on procurement, supply chain management and cost management, deep knowledge of sales, manufacturing, R&D, procurement, logistics and quality system team collaboration; Have many projects based on the two-dimensional perspective of demand or supply, as well as the perspective of operation management and cooperation with large global enterprises; Rich multi-team management experience, cost improvement strategy and implementation experience, excellent ideas and capabilities; I have set up 5 factories and companies for MNC in China, and have been responsible for many benchmark projects with great reputation in the industry.
曾任职于/Worked for:
Air conditioning and heavy industries: America /China
Tier1 of automotive industry: Germany)
Optical and electric industry: America
IT and 3C industries: UK /Canada
Previously served as material manager, Asia Pacific procurement manager, senior procurement and quality manager, procurement director, Asia Operations Manager, president assistant, VP and other senior management positions.
Good at supplier development, supply management, supplier management, cost management, category management, logistics and storage management, operation management and project management, with rich theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience.
Humorous, funny, rich cases, practical exercises, rigorous and systematic, modest and friendly.
Accumulated cases based on more than 20 years of practical experience, which combined with systematic theory, make the course detailed, transparent and without difficulties.
From theories and methods start, go through technique and implement, so that trainees can learn and use, understand both the principle and operation
The course covers all aspects of procurement management, modularly designed, and can be combined into different levels of system courses according to the needs of different types of enterprises and trainees. It is suitable for open courses, also suitable for enterprises to establish internal certification courses for procurement management system, as well as a series of internal training.
[培训客户/ Customers]:
Industries of customers: high speed rail, automotive, aviation, heavy industry, new energy, optical& electricity, medical, machinery manufacturing, mobile phone, semiconductor, chemical, FMCG, clothing, equipment, new materials, instruments and meters, testing, logistics, supply chain management and other industries.
Serviced large central and state-owned state-owned enterprises, MNC, listed and local companies as below.
Microsoft,VW, CRRC, Weifu, CICT, Lead, Samsung, Emerson, Kedacom, Pucheng chemical, Hengtong, Enkris semiconductor, Inovance, Chengli, Myesde, Boneng, Hengkui, Anfeng, Jidi, TT supply chain, luxshare, Maikubo, Trane, Hollis wire, Mabuchi-motor, Decathlon sports, Kolo medical, Voith, Koyo, etc
[标准课程清单/Standard courses list]:
Code 课程
Course 课程天数
Days 类别
P1 采购必备的财务知识
Financial knowledge for procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P2 采购的价格与成本管理
Price and cost management in procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P3 采购计划与交期管理
Planning and fulfillment management in procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P4 供应商质量管理
Supplier quality management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P5 供应商管理
Supplier management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P6 采购流程管理
Process management in procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P7 谈赢天下:采购谈判-从原理到实战:
Win from negotiation in procurement - from principle to practice 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P8 供应管理领导力
Leadership in supply management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P9 招标采购管理与供应风险管理
Bidding and supply risk management in procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P10 供应管理的策略与风险管理
Strategy and risk management of supply management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P11 采购与供应中的关系管理
Relationship management in procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P12 采购价值增值-更高级的降本思维
Value added - Better cost reduction thinking in procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P13 采购合同与关系管理
Contract and relationship management in procurement 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P14 供应商关系管理(原理与应用)
Supplier Relationship Management (from principle to application) 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P15 供应风险管理
Supply risk management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P16 供应的物流管理
Logistics management in supply 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P17 供应链管理
Supply chain management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P18 精益采购与供应链管理
Lean procurement and supply chain management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
P19 供应链风险管理
Supply chain risk management 2 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
W1 仓储管理与库存控制
Warehouse management and inventory control 2 物流与仓储
Logistics and warehousing
W2 仓储作业流程及控制
Warehousing operation process and control 2 物流与仓储
Logistics and warehousing
P20 采购品类管理工作坊
Workshop for procurement Category Management 4 采购与供应链管理
Procurement and SCM
G1 内部关系与有效沟通管理
Internal relations and effective communication management 2 领导力
[船长计划-打造采购专家与管理者的课程体系 / Captain Plan-Nurturance for experts and managers of supply management systematically ]:
One-stop courses for procurement and supply management practitioners, 18 days to complete the comprehensive professional skills and management ability improvement of strategic supply management.
The 18-day course includes why (viewpoint, principle and method), how (process, regular pattern, roadmap), do (technique action. speech skill, knowhow), tooling (templates, tools, forms).
The course covers all the knowledge needed in procurement management, including supply base management, procurement process and supply performance management, procurement value management, procurement organization management and performance management, category procurement management and procurement project management. etc.
联系电话:010-62258232 62278113 13718601312 18610339408
联 系 人:李先生 陈小姐