【关于课程/ About This Course】
1. 课程缘起 ——探索教育体验式学习 /The Background of PA Education
Since 1971, Project Adventure (PA) has been adopted by more and more various organizations, especially big corporate in the world with obvious effects. PA education employs interesting and relaxing experiential activities as the main clue of the training, with delicate course design which enable the individual and team to share the experiences and then to explore the unknown areas (advantage and disadvantages) thus to push the individuals to adjust even change for the own and team’s better performance. It’s been proved that experiential education works much obvious and longer in the cognitive and behavioral effect than the traditional training interventions.
2. 课程特色/Features of PA training:
· 做中学、学中觉、觉中悟。 · 是动态参与,而不只是静态课程.不仅是知道,而是要做到!” · 是引导,而不只是活动.活动不再是活动,它可以转化蜕变为生活的体验,前进的动力。 · 是团队能力的提升,而不只是个人能力的提升,是团队发展建设教育训练,而不是户外个人胆量拓展训练!
· Learning by doing, gaining the wisdom while learning. · It’s dynamic involvement, not only one-way teaching, not only cognitive gaining, but also behavioral change. · It’s not only experiential activities, but also active guidance which will convert into active inner power to propel the performance of individual and team. · It helps the individual and the team to improve. it’s team development, not only the challenge of individual potentials.
3. 课程收益/what will you learn
There is always one way out, the thing is you have to target the problem; And the problems is always laying out of your experience and together, we will and the right way out.
· 体验独特的训练方式: 有趣、刺激、系统的活动体验;独特、深入、全面的内心体察;简明、幽默、富含哲理的导师点拨;全新、本真的团队体验;
· 感受即刻的训练效果 活动中“体”,分享中“思”,点拨中“悟”,让您在训练现场即感受自我的成长
· 团队沟通、执行、领导力综合能力的提升:
· the unique education intervention experience Intriguing, exciting and systematic experimental learning experience, special, profound and comprehensive insight, enjoyment of humorous, sharp guidance from experienced and learned coaches
· instant training result The strong feeling during activities, your thought from sharing and click from the guidance, all of those enable you improve yourself immediately.
· the comprehensive improvement of team based qualities detailed as communication ,execution, leadership, to improve yourself as well as your team. 4. 适合对象/Is it right for me? 企业的管理者
5.课程长度/Duration 一天/One day
6.课程内容/what will you learn? 一、消除惯性思维,提倡勇于实践的“破冰活动” 利用趣味性与亲和力兼具的暖身活动及游戏,让学员逐渐进入学习状态。 1、建立[体验探索型]团队基础 2、体验学习理论分析 3、学习型团队技能建立
二、破除人际藩篱的活动 让学员能够发挥勇于尝试及创新的人格特质:学习凝聚、合作及相互扶持的技巧 1、打破人际藩篱 2、建立初期团队 3、破除本位主义、养成换位思考习惯
三、沟通活动 学习正确的沟通态度、沟通的背景、不同层级的沟通原则、 团队共同语言的建立 1、沟通的建立 2、了解彼此认知差异 3、建立群我差异
四、信任活动 团队在生理和心理方面的互动;在活动的风险承担里,学习将自己放心的托付给其他成员,藉由信赖培养团队信任感与提升成员的核心领导力。 1、强化人际关系、如何相互配合; 2、个人责任建立、 3、信任的建立:“每个人都渴望展现生命价值、信任是最好的激励方式。”
五、“拟定决策”与“问题解决”的活动 为学员设订不同难度的“问题解决”活动,利用“肢体活动”及“语言沟通”尝试从错误中学习经验,让学员表现出倾听、合作、指挥及妥协与配合的综合领导 能力。 1、团队问题解决 2、团队技能发展 3、创意思考、尊重团队及个人意见
六、团队整体展现“团队造就个人、个人成就团队” 利用先前进行的“彼此熟悉”、“信赖建立”、“沟通协调”、“冲突管理”、“拟定决策”以及“问题解决”的活动经验中,学习领导者在团队中培养评估效益及构思解决之道的技巧及能力。 1、社会责任建立 2、了解个人与团队动力的关系 3、相互配合相互协调,形成有凝聚力的高效率团队
【服务方式/ Services Concerning】
1) 公开课课程时间安排 开课日期 上课地点 课堂人数 价格(RMB) 2008/12/19 广州 30 980 2009/3/20 广州 30 980 |