【课程背景介绍|Course Background】: 职场白领们每天的工作中有70%时间用在笔头交流上,包括电子邮件、工作进度报告、提案、意向书等。要想平步青云蒸蒸日上,"您"不仅得会做,更要会写。
写作习惯形成写作性格,写作性格决定一个白领的职业命运。但是,当要撰写重要邮件或报告时, 面对空白的稿纸或屏幕,脑子里确一片混沌。
Though employees spend 70% of work hours using English emails and reports as communication channel, they rarely receive systematic training on the topic of written business communication. Therefore, we often send and read sloppy emails and confusing reports at workplace.
On the technical level, they are good. But in their role, as an effective communicator on paper, there are some definite gaps. They need to learn how to dig into an idea for three levels to show their thoughtfulness, then exchange ideas clearly, and finally persuade the reader both in mind and in heart.
【课程特色|Course Features】:首先,这不是一堂英文课,所以我们不会花太多时间解释语法规则。我们的重心在于提高职场书面沟通力。职场生存术被完美地编入进课程。First, this is not an English class, so we are not talking too much about the general English grammatical rules on writing. Instead, We will focus on the workplace written communication soft skills. The workplace surviving tips are so important that they are perfectly weaved into the course.
其次,戴愫老师创造的"TCS三级跳"的构思方法简单易学。你会形成先想后写的习惯 -先想想"语气、内容、结构"。这个方法证明,写作不是天赋,而是后天习得的技能。Second, "TCS steps," created by Ms. Dai, are easy to learn and follow. They help you form the habit of thinking before writing - you will think about "Tone, Content, and Structure." They prove that writing is not a gift; it is a skill.
第三,英语写作就是一种形式的跨文化沟通。我们会运用"泛指沟通vs.特指沟通"这一文化维度,剖析怎样在对西方人的写作中,尤其是在表达敏感和负面信息时,展示专业和礼貌。我们要秒杀中式英文。Third, English writing is a form of cross-cultural communication. We will use cultural dimension of "diffused vs. specific" to teach you how to show professionalism and politeness to westerners in written communication, especially when delivering negative or sensitive information. We will get rid of "Chinglish."
最终,您不开口也会赢。In the end, you will win without speaking.
【课程大纲|Outline】:一、认识"TCS"写作思维 使用正确的语气:让读者情感上舒适
四、处理敏感/负面/尴尬的事件--积极 利用人"坚持一致性"的语言去说服
【Comments】 1、戴老师的课程让我掌握了很多平时在写英文邮件时不太会注意的地方。整个课程内容 给我的感觉是目的性非常明确的。-- Rachel Wang, HR Training & Development, Superbrandmall
2、条理清晰,重点突出;理论结合实例,便于学生更好的理解课程内容的关键点;课堂 气氛也相当活跃。本人受益匪浅。-- Dash Xu, Sales Engineer, KERN-L
培训师能在授课过程中营造很好的课堂气氛,结合我们的反应关注程度,很 好把握课堂进度,鼓励我们参与到课堂环节中去,激发我们的独立思考能力。使我很好的掌握的所授内容。非常感谢!-- Zhou Yi,帝凡黎国际贸易有限公司
4、老师丰富的学习经历和多彩的工作实战经验为培训课增加了厚实的砝码。讲解时清晰 的思路配合案例的分析很容易听懂和掌握,课间穿插小游戏帮助要点的理解很有趣。可爱的性格更吸引人,希望以后有机会能再听到她的培训课。-- Zhou Xiaoxuan,泛捷集团
【培训师简介|About Trainer】:戴愫 (Su Dai)主要学习及工作经历 :毕业于四川外国语大学和西南政法大学,分别获英语学士学位和法学学位,后就读于美国马里兰大学,获教育
主管中国护士项目),在Astar教育集团的弗吉尼亚分部担任课程总监。她还曾担任过新加坡S P Jain商学院的东亚地区首席代表,负责中国大陆、香港、台湾和韩国四地的市场推广工作。
曾在中山大学和新东方任教,多次被评为学生最喜爱的讲师。同时她还曾是美国"Job Corps Newsletter"《职业教育通讯报》总编辑。
主要出版物 : 她对中西方文化差异和英语语言有着深入了解和研究。她2014年最新出版的热销书籍《不会写,怎敢拼外企--TCS 三级跳 解析商务英语写作经典案例》。此书一出,改变了市面上没有介绍商务英语写作"方法"的格局,书中阐述的商务英语写作的"实际操作步骤"成为了职场白领们的写作圣经,出版不久后很快便登上了畅销书排行榜,第一年便加印了两次。2004年和2005年,她曾出版过两本在国内畅销的英文学习书籍《新概念英语句典》第二、三册。在美期间,她还出版过一本关于文化冲突的畅销书"China: Perspectives of A Transplanted Mango"《一颗移植芒果眼中的中国》,该书在美国上架后大受欢迎,多次被邀请到百事、苹果等跨国企业做跨文化交流主题的培训。
Ms. Dai has extensive overseas management experience after working in U.S. and Singapore for more than ten years. Currently she is a professional trainer.
During her stay in the U.S., Ms. Dai served for the global largest provider of public service, ResCare, as the Office Manager of international headquarters in Washington D.C., and China
Project Manager in charge of China Nurses Project; she also served as Course Director of Astar Education Group Virginia Division.
Besides, she held the post of East Asia Chief Representative of S P Jain Business School in Singapore, responsible for the brand promotion in China Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea markets.
After her graduation, she once worked as English teacher in Sun Yat-Sen University and New Oriental Education Group. She was also the editor-in-chief of U.S. Job Corps Newsletter.
Ms. Dai has in-depth understanding and research in cross-cultural differences and English language. Her latest published book in 2014, TCS Steps in Business Writing, is the first book in China to analyze writing skills from the perspective of communication rules. It is highly recommended by "Amazon Book". In 2004 and 2005, she respectively published two best-selling books on English learning---- Sentence by Sentence,Volume I and II. During her stay in the U.S., she published a best-selling book on cultural conflict, China: Perspectives of A Transplanted Mango, which was very popular as soon as it hit shelves. She started training career back then, giving workshops on cross-cultural communication to multinational companies.
Ms. Dai graduated from Sichuan International Studies University and Southwest University of Political Science and Law, receiving BA in English and BA in Law. Then she furthered her study in University of Maryland and received master's degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.
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